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A Dictionary of Musical Terms
Theodore Baker

Carefully defined, and with the accent of the foreign words marked and preceded by rules for the pronunciation of Italian, German, and French. The purpose of this book is to furnish an accurate and concise explanation of any technical word or phrase which the student is apt to meet with. The English vocabulary will be found practically exhaustive. The scope of this work is a dictionary rather than a lexicon. Most of the material has been gleaned from numerous standard works of reference, such as those of Grove (Dictionary), Riemann (Musik-Lexikon), Gevaert (Instrumentation), Weitzmann (History of Pianoforte-Playing), Stainer and Barrett, Ambros (Geschichte der Musik), Paul (Handlexikon), Soullier (Dictionnaire), Helmholtz (Tonemp6ndungen), Niecks, The Century Dictionary, many English, German, French, and Italian periodicals and musical journals, etc., etc. Literal quotations are duly credited to their sources; condensations and adaptations, however, are not so credited, and must, therefore, be included under this general acknowledgment. The information so gathered has been carefully sifted, and supplemented by the personal researches of over ten years.

G. Schirmer, Inc.
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