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A History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age book image

A History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age
Arthur Cushman McGiffert

From The International Theological Library
McGiffert’s published work, except occasional critical studies in philosophy, dealt with church history and the history of dogma. His best known publication is “A History of Christianity in the Apostolic Age” (1897). This book, which sustains critical historical eminence to this day, by its independent criticism and departures from traditionalism, aroused the opposition of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church; though the charges brought against McGiffert were dismissed by the Presbytery of New York, to which they had been referred, a trial for heresy seemed inevitable, and McGiffert, in 1900, retired from the Presbyterian ministry and retained his credentialed status by eager recognition from a Congregational Church. Likewise he retained his distinguished position at Union Theological Seminary in New York.

Charles Scribner's Sons
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