Beating Cancer with Nutrition
Patrick Quillin, Noreen Quillin, signed by author
The information contained in BCN is both scientifically backed with references and clinically proven in the hospital with patients. This information helps cancer patients to improve quality and quantity of life. BCN had been translated into Japanese, Chinese and Korean. In response to the requests from tired cancer patients who said they needed an audio version of the book to get started, there is now a 78 minute audio CD included in the back cover of the book. BCN is now in its 3rd major revised version, with over 150,000 copies in 9 years in print. BCN was “bestseller” in its category in 1999 on , the world1s largest bookstore. A well-nourished cancer patient can better manage and beat the disease. The 32 year “war on cancer” has cost $50 billion in government research with a resulting increase in the incidence and death rate from cancer. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery can temporarily reduce tumor burden, but these therapies do not change the underlying causes of the disease. Comprehensive cancer treatment must include an aggressive nutrition component, which can increase life expectancy by 12 to 21 fold along with better chances for complete remission. In this major revision of the bestseller, Dr. Patrick Quillin shares his extensive and very practical experience in helping hundreds of cancer patients with a nutrition program of diet and supplements, including: * nutrients make chemo and radiation more toxic to the cancer and less damaging to the patient * starving the cancer by controlling blood glucose through diet and supplements * common vegetables, herbs, and seasonings that have powerful anti-cancer activity *
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