Lesser Known Migrations
Sam Red, signed by author
Sam Red’s much awaited first novel.
Nicholas Petraki was easily disappointed in people even before he stole his millions long ago, and is now bored enough that he’s decided to sneak back home and start over again. Living on the island of Saint Sulpice since shortly after France granted it independence and a few local visionaries repurposed it as a haven for rich exiles, he soon discovered that fawning obeisance is unfulfilling to restless natures and began a series of private revolts against the local authorities. Little more than elaborate exercises in seduction when they started, his subversions have slowly grown more serious over time – to the benefit of many, perhaps, but not to his own perpetually unsatisfied self. Perhaps – who knows? – revisiting the sins of his youth will finally bring the satisfaction that half a lifetime of squalid Caribbean luxury has so far failed to deliver.
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