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Coleman, signed by author

In 1963, Rosalyn Coleman Gilchrist, a white Oklahoma housewife, boarded a bus and rode it across the country to march on Washington. It wasn’t her first civil rights protest.

On the bus she agreed to sell her home – in her all-white suburb – to a black doctor. Before the sale went through the city fathers had her arrested and confined in the state mental hospital. She lost her home, her children, and her freedom.

Five years later her youngest son – now facing prison for his own resistance to the draft and the Vietnam War – obtained his mother’s freedom.

SPOKE takes readers from the lunch-counter sit-ins of the early 1960s to the draft-board raids later that same decade; from Martin Luther King’s 1963 March on Washington to the 1968 DC Mobilization Against the War; from the nightmarish conditions of mid-century state mental institutions to the soul-less sterility of the federal prison system; from the advent of women’s lib to the dawn of the sexual revolution.

Little Creek Press
Publish Date:
2013, Mineral Point, WI

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