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Teaching the Common Branches
W.W. Charters

s/t: A Textbook for Teachers of Rural and Graded Schools
Revised and Enlarged Edition
This book represents an attempt to Write a simple text on the theory of teaching for students of teaching and for inexperienced teachers, particularly in the rural schools. Most of the would-be teachers who take an elementary course in methods of teaching are destined to begin in country schools. But most of the methods found in books on teaching have been Worked out for graded schools, Where there is more time, and Where there are, on the whole, better teachers. The author has faced this problem by Writing the present text primarily for rural teachers. The most practical assistance to him in the task has been several years’ experience of his own as a country school teacher, several years more spent in training country teachers in a County Model School, and, very recently, some experience in teaching pedagogy to a group Of young students in the University High School. This equipment has been supplemented by an examination of all the books used in the high school normal training classes of those states that have them, and by submitting the manuscript to certain experts who know country schools and the capacities of their teachers.

Houghton Mifflin Co.
Publish Date:

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