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The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke book image

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke
Suze Orman, signed by author

A financial guide aimed squarely at “Generation Debt”-and their anxious parents-from the country’s most trusted and dynamic source on money matters. You’ve got student-loan debt that is a multiple of your entry-level salary. An obscene amount of your take-home pay goes out the window every month for rent on a dinky apartment in a cool neighborhood. Lucky you have that credit card with the ever-increasing charge limit! How else could you afford those fabulous shoes? “Hey, guys, the next round’s on me!” What difference does it make? Your goals are totally unattainable and the idea that you’ll ever get control of your money is ludicrous, so why even try? Okay. It’s scary. Suze Orman knows you better than you know yourself. And now, the world’s most trusted expert on personal finance, the #1 New York Times-bestselling author, is going to break it down for you. Whether you’re twenty-five and single, a thirty-year-old newlywed, or married with kids and a mortgage at thirty-five; whether you’re broke or making ends meet; whether you’re financially aware or financially clueless, Start Smart was written with you in mind.

Riverhead Books
Publish Date:
2005, NYC

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