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The New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language, 2 Vols. book image

The New and Complete Dictionary of the English Language, 2 Vols.
John Ash

John Ash, c.1724-79, was a Baptist minister and lexicographer. Having previously published in 1766 An Introduction to Lowth’s English Grammar, Ash’s Dictionary ‘incorporates most of Bailey’s collection of canting words, and many provincial terms’ (ODNB). He is perhaps best known for his blunder under ‘curmudgeon’ which Johnson derived from ‘c ur méchant, which was attributed to an ‘unknown correspondent’; Ash describes it as ‘from the French c ur, unknown, and mechant, a correspondent’.

s/t:  In Which All the Words are introduced, the Different Spellings preserved, The Sounds of the Letter occasionally distinguished, The Obsolete and Uncommon Words supported by Authorities, And the Different Construction and Uses illustrated by Examples.

Edward and Charles Dilly in the Poultry and R. Baldwin in Pater-Noster Row
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