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Water from an Ancient Well
Kenneth McIntosh, signed by author

Today, perhaps more than ever, people are seeking genuine spiritual refreshment to relieve a sense of inner dryness. In a world where Christianity in particular and spirituality in general are often offered up in slickly marketed packages, many spiritual seekers turn instead to their ancestors’ simpler and more primal knowledge of the Divine. They find that the Celts, like other indigenous groups, speak with surprising clarity to the issues of our own time. In this book, you’ll discover the world of the ancient Celts, while finding practical insights for living in the twenty-first century. Using storytelling, careful research, and personal experience, the author invites you to get to know Brendan and Brigid, Columba and Patrick, as well as Myrddin (better known as Merlin) and other lesser- known figures from the great pageant of Celtic history. These stories both entertain and inspire. Rooted in legend and history, they offer us here-and-now hope and insight. The author’s challenge within these pages is this: “Dare to venture into uncharted seas. Embrace life as a pilgrimage. Journey fearlessly, with joy and excitement. Plunge into the same water the ancient Celts explored. The God of all Compassion awaits you.”

Anamchara Books
Publish Date:
2014, Vestal, NY

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